Friday, October 14, 2011

About the Author

You would think that since this blog is written by Bria, I would be the Author. Alas, I am not. Allow me to take you back about 6 months (today is October 10). Actually, further than that...but first I am Jamie. I applied at Walmart and finally received that much anticipating  phone saying I had an interview. Stop right there, why am I telling you about myself if I am not the author? Hold your horses, I am getting there. I gussied up and went in and passed through my first interview (to my surprise there were 3 I had to go through!!) and then my second. My third interview hit a snag as my boss was looking for a department manager to come in. Of course, this was just making my lunch ask me for a second appearance when HE walked in. Seth Eaves. He glanced at me nonchalantly and breezed by me and smiled this smirky  smile as if he knew my heart was going to explode out of my chest. He sad in the chair behind me and I was asked to face everyone, but I made sure he could not see my face. If he had, I am sure he would have been able to see a weakness that no man ever caused me to have and that would just take a power I sure was not ready to give up. Toward the end of the meeting, He spoke for the first time and he can even recall my face becoming redder than a Washington Apple as I looked at him. Well, needless to say, I got the job! I have an overnight position, so thoughts of this Mr. Seth would quickly escape my mind as I was already seeing someone. But the fact he had this power over me was already unusual since I am that girl who is more loyal than a dog so you can understand the thoughts I DID have and the confusion I felt. Well, about a week later, I finally thought of him less and less and I walk in to work and who is other than Mr. Seth Eaves!! Over the next few days I would go to his department any time I could to get a sneak peek of this man who held this weird feeling over me. I called him my eye candy. Then, to my amazement, it happened. He asked me to breakfast! I was not going to go since, as I said before, I had been seeing someone...but without getting too much into that drama, the guy had already ruined ANY chance he had with me and I was trying to figure out how to end it and Seth for some weird reason actually thought he would never get a chance with me so with both of us thinking neither had a chance with each other, our friendship bloomed over the next few weeks. I eventually broke up with the guy and called Seth and he came over and we both finally admitted our attractions... I am getting into our romance but what you really want to see is this:

==Seth Eaves==

Born April 8, 1987
Married July 20, 2007 Sherrece Drum
Divorced 2011
Married April 7, 2012 Jamie Goodson

===Places Lived===

Born in Linden Texas
Graduated Atlanta High School, Atlanta Texas
Moved to Reno, Nevada 2009
Moved back to Texas June 2010

====About the Author====

Seth Eaves (born April 8, 1987) is an Author. He first started having ideas of "another universe" in his mind when he was in elementary. As he grew older, more and more ideas would come to his mind. He was really shy about what thoughts he had, but in Eighth grade he attempted a few ideas based off of Star Wars and Star Trek cross-overs and a James Bond and Mission Impossible cross over. However, he had trouble writing on characters based off of someone else's ideas, so he gave up for a little while on writing. The characters in his own mind kept evolving and his ideas kept turning and he often found him self daydreaming about this other universe in his mind. July 20, he married Sherrece Drum from Nevada and one day he told her that he had a few ideas he wanted to jot down, so she took him to the store and bought him a notebook. Unfortunately he felt that she had no interest in hearing his ideas, so he eventually went back to just having the characters evolve in his mind, from time to time he would jot down ideas. His best friend, Danny Stuckey finally talked him into writing a book. Half way through writing his first book, his marriage to Sherrece ended  after first hand discovering something and he found himself back in Texas and in the process he lost everything he had written down. Back in Texas, frustrated over the drama caused from his failed marriage, and the loss of what he had already started in his writing, he spent most of his time playing video games, drinking and working. Finally, one day his best friend, Stuckey, asked him how his writing was going. When he responded that he had not written since his return, Stuckey pushed him into starting his book back up. Originally, he was able to backtrack into a prequel involving the parents of his main character, Sam Owens. Seth quickly lost interest when he realized it would create too many plot holes and would mess up the already established outline of the universe that had already been playing in his mind. So, he reverted back to drinking, playing video games, and working. One day he had been talking to an acquaintance he knew in Nevada, Nacoma Smith, about a video game, God of War 3 and how he had believed if they ever killed the main character, he knew how to do it. When he finished telling his ideas, she commented on how detailed he had the ending and asked how he came up with that. He finally admitted to her about his story and from there she encouraged more writing so he would try to meet her deadlines to have so many pages done. Before the last chapter was written out, Nacoma and another acquaintance planned a trip to Texas. In the mean time, Seth's duties at work led him to meet Jamie Goodson, who quite resembled the image of his main characters love, Bria Jade. They quickly began a romance of their own, during which time circumstances caused him and Nacoma to not talk anymore. Without deadlines, and his attention being focused on his new found love, his writing once again took a back burner until Jamie learned of his love for writing. She not only encouraged him to keep writing, but she was the first one to read his book after he finished it, finding it so amazing she started talking him into doing more with the book than just writing ideas out. She started internet marketing and getting an audience for Seth.

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