Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Frustrated Loyalty Part 5

“Hold your fire.” A cool voice called. The guards parted to let a tall bald man walk out. He studied Sam with his cold blue eyes for a second, playing with the edge of his mustache.

“Well, well, well. Samuel Owens. What a pleasure it is to finally meet the toast of the town.”

Sam nodded. “Hello to all. Are the guns really necessary? As you can see I am clearly unarmed.”

“Yes well, we shall be the judge of that.” The man pointed to Sam. Two men broke ranks and began to frisk him.
Sam raised his arms, allowing the men to do their job. 

“I can’t help but feel at a disadvantage here. You know me, yet I don’t even know your name.”

The man smiled. “I suppose it is only fair. I am Devin Franks.”

“Buy me some time.” Lestra’ad said.

Sam nodded. “Devin Franks eh?”

Devin smirked. “Don’t act like you have heard about me.”

“I have alright. I’ve heard all about you.”

“Ok I have him.”

“I know you were a Shadow Troop.” Sam said.

Devin’s eyes shot up. “You do? Not many Agents were privy to that sort of knowledge.”

Sam shrugged. “I have a way of learning things. Like how you were placed in the military brig for fifteen days for stealing General Ahmed’s favorite corn cob pipe. And how you once went to a protest on Glarnar I, throwing rocks at the local militia.”
Sam made a tsking sound, shaking his head. “Did you really think you would be able to instigate a riot? Just to get the Federation to attack the police force? That is such a rookie move.”

“Ok, I get the picture. You know me. Good job. That doesn’t explain why you are here.”

“Sam, for all accounts, Franks was the leader of the Shadow Troops.”

Sam nodded. “Good question, one I’m sure you want an answer for,” Franks nodded. “Of course. I’m here to join you guys.”

Franks gave Sam a wary look. “Really? Then why did you break into our server room?”

Sam shrugged. “To show how good I am.”

Franks laughed. “How good you are? We caught you!”

Sam smiled. “Because I let you. You really think I didn’t expect there to be some kind of security alarm on those files? I knew the second I accessed them I could be expecting company.”

Franks nodded. “So you are one of the Legion then?”

Sam nodded. “Got tired of the Federation’s non-commitment involving the Front. I figured you guys had to have something going on or else you wouldn’t have left in the first place.”

Franks studied Sam for a few more seconds then smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.” He said as he placed a friendly hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Truth be told, I wanted to recruit you when we left in the first place but some of my brothers thought you were too committed to the Federation.”

“Six months ago they may have been right,” Sam said as he allowed Franks to guide him out of the server room. 
“Regardless, I arrived on your side when I was meant to.”
“Exactly, and I am glad to have you here.”

Sam followed Devin through the complex.

“So what is the game here Franks? Why an oil baron?”

Franks smiled as he motioned Sam into his private office. “Uh uh uh. Can’t reveal that just yet can I?”

“Still don’t trust me.” Sam said as he sat in a seat in front of a desk.

“Can you blame me?” Franks asked as he took a seat on the other side of the desk. “I mean come on Sam, you just showed up out of nowhere claiming to be on our side.”

Sam nodded. “Yea, when you put it that way you do have a point. Ok, so I’m essentially the new kid again. I can handle that.” Sam politely turned down the drink Devin offered.

“That’s right, I forgot. You had a problem with alcohol a few years back.”

Sam studied him for a second. “Do you at least accept me on your crew?”

Devin took a drink and nodded slowly. “Yea, that I can accept. Like you said though, you are the new kid. You will have to work your way up to prove you can be trusted with certain…..knowledge of our operations.”

Sam nodded. “I can handle that.”

Devin nodded as he downed his drink. “So, how soon can you go out in the field?”

“How soon can you send me?”

“Actually, I was about to send some guys out in a few hours on a mission that I could use you in.”

“Jump right in the saddle, I love it!”

“Your enthusiastic, that’s good. I understand you are familiar with Jori Lancaster,” Sam nodded. “Well we need to……procure some of his oil from his pipeline.”

“You mean ‘steal’.”

Devin shrugged. “Call it what you wish.”

“What do you need me on that for? Seems like a pretty cut and dry mission.”

Devin stood and refilled his drink. “Yes it is but some of my people lack……focus. They need a strong leader such as yourself to keep them in line.”

“Don’t argue with him Sam just go along,” Lestra’ad interjected. “We need to find out what they are up to involving Lancaster’s line.”

“Ok, I’ll go.”

“Excellent!” Devin said as he sipped his drink. “The shuttle leaves in about fifteen minutes. I’ll contact the bay and tell them to wait for you.”

The shuttle knifed through the cold Russian air, quickly closing in on the pipeline.
“We are coming up on the destination.” The pilot yelled back
Snow rushed up as the shuttle set down. The ramp lowered, allowing Sam and his men to disembark.
“Alright guys, move! You all know your assignments so go do them.”

Sam watched as his men unloaded containers, hoses, drilling equipment and then move on to the pipeline.

“I don’t understand what is going on here,” Lestra’ad said. “What do they want this oil for?”

“Is there something special about Lancaster’s oil?” Shulvan asked.

“It’s enriched with uranium to make it last in vehicles longer. It’s a process Mr. Lancaster had developed.”

“Uranium? If they where to put that in a war ship there is no telling what they could do.” Anna said.

“Sam you have to stop them from obtaining that oil.” Lestra’ad ordered.


“There should be a pump house a few feet ahead of you. You can shut the line down from there.”
Sam made sure nobody was watching then began heading to the house. Once he got in there, he realized the new problem.

“Somebody destroyed the valve.”
Cassel let loose a volley of cursing.

“Is there an emergency shut off somewhere?”

“Hold on a second, let me think.”

Movement outside the window caught Sam’s attention. “Hold on a second.” He left to investigate but didn’t see anything not even footprints in the snow.

“Everything ok?” Lestra’ad asked.

“Yea I think so. Guess I’m just imagining things.” As Sam began to turn, he heard a high pitched whine behind him. As soon as he was turned around, a blue orb flew through the air and hit in the chest. He let out a groan as he hit the ground.

“Sam, what’s going on?”

 Sam struggled to stand. He touched his side and felt some of the sealant used on his broken ribs begin to give way.
As he managed to struggle to his knees, a red bolt shot out, hitting him right in the chest. Gasping, Sam fell back.He opened his eyes to see Devin standing over him, smirking. He leaned down, felt around in Sam’s ear and pulled the commlink out.
“Sam! Sam!” He heard coming from the earpiece.

“I’m sorry, Sam can’t come to the phone right now.” He said, right before he crushed the piece between his finger and thumb.
Sam struggled to sit up, but Devin kicked him in the face, knocking him back down.

“Did you really think I would trust you Sam? You thought you could just show up in my headquarters and I would believe that you had gone A.W.O.L.?”

Sam attempted to sit up again, only to receive another bolt in his right shoulder.
“I wish you had join us under real circumstance Sam. You would have been a great addition to the team,” Devin raised his blaster and aimed at Sam’s face. “Now sadly though, you must die. Nothing personal friend.”
Without warning a red orb landed in the snow next to Devin. Sam tucked his head in as snow rose in the air like a fountain, kicked up by the explosion. As he looked up, he saw Junior’s fighter zip through the air, firing blasts at Devin and his men.

“Fall back to the shuttle!” He roared. “Load up, let’s go!”

The men scrambled to gather their equipment and get to the ship.

“Come on! We got what we came for!” Devin yelled as he boarded the shuttle.

“Sir, what about him?” A man motioned to Sam with his blaster.

Devin and Sam stared each other down for a few seconds. “Leave him. He has learned his lesson.”

Junior set down as the other shuttle lifted off. The door opened and Junior ran out to Sam.

“How you doin buddy?” He asked as he put Sam’s left arm around his shoulder.

“Oh well you know. Seen better days.”

“I can imagine so. Come on let’s get you in the shuttle.”
With the door closed behind them, Junior lifted off.

“Good news. That stuff you found was just what the Federation needed.”


Junior nodded as he set in coordinates. “Yesiree. They have a strike force mobilizing to hit that base and tech teams to scrub it for all information regarding the Front.”

“Good, then let’s get going to,”

Junior shook his head. “No can do boss man. Lestra’ad said bring you in. You’ve been through enough he said.”
“The hell I have! Take me back to Nalastare.”

“Sorry pal, I have my orders.”

“Take me there now Junior,” Junior game him an uneasy look before turning back to his controls. “Look if you’re worried about disobeying Lestra’ad’s orders then tell him I held you at gunpoint.”

“I’m not very comfortable with lying to the Major General.”

Sam pulled his blaster out and pointed it at Junior’s face. “Then let’s not make it a lie,” Junior stared at Sam in wide-eyed horror.

“Look buddy, I don’t like doing this but if it needs to be done in order to get to Nalastare then so be it. Now you gonna take me there?”

The two stared each other down for a few tense seconds. Finally Junior turned back to his controls and began typing. After a few seconds, Sam felt the shuttle lift up.
“Course altered for Nalastare.” Junior mumbled.

“Fighter, please identify yourself or we will be forced to shoot you down.”

“Frigate Savannah, this is Junior Booth, Federation Pilot Designation 3163827. I have Special Agent Sam Owens on board with me.”

“Copy that Mr. Booth.”

Savannah this is Sam. What is the sit rep?”

“We have ground troops landed and ready to assault with air support backing them up, but the base has activated its defense grid. We can’t get in because of the energy dome.”

Sam smacked his forehead. “Oh that’s right, I forgot.”

“Let them know I may be a little late. I might take a while finding the hangar bay.” Sam said.

“Do you need me to go with you?” Devin asked.

“No, no. I’m a big boy I can find my way. Besides I’m sure you have plenty of stuff to do here.”

Sam shook Devin’s hand then left the office.

“Alright guys talk to me. Anything I need to know?”

“Most older Federation bases had a domed energy shield generator to help protect from full on assaults,” Lestra’ad said. “They could withstand massive bombardment for weeks, sometimes even months.”

“Ok then, I’m gonna need to take care of that. Help me find a munitions room, then lead me to the generator.”

Sam pulled a remote out of his pocket. “Savannah, contact the ground forces. Tell the birds to expect our arrival and tell the ground troops to get ready to invade the building.”

“Roger that Special Agent.”

“Junior, take us on in please sir.”

“Wow! Look at the size of that thing!” Junior said as the bubble shield came into view.
Sam nodded as he studied the honeycombed yellow dome.

“Wanna see a magic trick? Abbra Cadabra.” He said as he pressed the button. Nothing happened.

“Wow, real impressive.”

“What the…” Sam began to get irritated when the slightest shimmer caught his eye.

“Wait….did it just…” Junior was caught off by the sight of the dome fading out then back in.

“Come on baby, open up for daddy.”
Sam grinned with ferocious satisfaction as the dome dissolved, leaving the base exposed.


Junior let out a rambunctious ‘Whoop!’ while he adjusted course to drop Sam off with the men on the ground.
The men came to a halt as the shuttle set down. Everyone snapped of a salute as Sam and Junior walked down the ramp.

“Cut that crap out. I ain’t nobody to be salutin.”

A man walked up and shook Sam’s hand. “Special Agent Owens, I am Commander Riker. I’m in charge of this little invasion force.”

Sam nodded. “Good to meet you. This is my pilot Junior,” the two men shook hands. “What are we lookin at Commander?”

The commander pulled out a 3-D map. “Nearest we can tell, the bulk of the grunts were sent off planet before we got here but their leaders, including your friend Franks, are still inside. Don’t rightly know what they are doing in there,”

“Waiting for me. They know I’m coming for them.”

“If they knew that then why did Franks let you live?” Junior asked. “He could have very well killed you in Russia.”

“You scared him off before he could. He fell victim to the classic trap of too much talking and not enough shooting. Not that I’m complaining mind you.”

“Regardless of why they are in there, we need to get in there and take them out so the tech heads can do their data scrub.”

Sam nodded. “Alright then. Let’s get in there and get this thing done.”

“What can I do sir?” Junior asked.

“Our birds are searching the area seeing if they can find the convoy the other men used to escape. Why don’t you get up there and give them a hand?”

Junior nodded and turned to go back in the ship.

“Sniper!” Someone yelled.

Before anybody could react, a red beam of death lanced out and struck Junior in the back. He spun, surprise on his face, and in an instant Sam realized it burned clean through.
Crouching, Sam pulled his blaster out and fired at the man on the roof. He doesn’t really know who scored the shot. All he knows is a bolt hit the man in the chest and he fell from the roof, dead before his feet even left ground.
A team of medics rushed to Juniors side but Sam knew there was nothing they could do. The grim look on their faces and a tiny head shake one of the medics gave him confirmed it.
Sam lowered his head, closed his eyes and said a quick, silent prayer.

How will this story end? Stay tuned for the last part of Frustrated Loyalty....

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