Sunday, October 9, 2011


What makes a story interesting? I have been paying more attention to what I read...especially to the stories that captivate my full attention. How do Authors do it? mAlice Moon's choice of descriptive words, Seth Eave's fictitious encounters that are so out there you WANT them to be true. Or the stories that are true of tragedies you can not help but keep to the edge of the seat. I envy author's ways of writing out what is in their mind.

 Bria is coming to life more and more and I feel it. Getting to LIVE Bria's side of be a part of a world that needs her in a way I could only dream of being needed. She got her start of her journey through Having older brothers that were protective yet toughened her up along the way. She learned how to be the best in a world of people who tried to demean her for being a small woman. Her brother's finally learned to cover up their own embarrassments by "letting" her win. She got so used to being in control through her wit and strength and this somewhat power that captivated most people in a way she didn't understand, but didn't dare try to.  Fasting Forward to meeting Sam...What is so intriguing about her and Sam's romance? I think it is because they have a shared need. They both have to be HAVE to be in control at all times. They are both needed to save everyone's existence from what? The federation or what people think are the bad guys? There is a brief introduction to Bria Jade. One more day and Seth Eaves first short story will introduce you to Sam Owens. Then maybe you can tell me why it is so interesting. His words?

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