Saturday, October 15, 2011

Frustrated Loyalty Part 4

The first thing Sam was aware of was the sharp pain in his chest. As he sucked in air to let out a scream, he realized he could breathe easily. Deciding not to push his luck, he managed to swallow the scream, suppress it into a low moan.

“Sam? Sam are you awake?”

Sam tried to say “Yes.” But the words wouldn’t form. All he managed to do was give an unintelligible mumble.

“Can you open your eyes?”

His eyelids felt like they were made out of lead but after some struggling, his eyes slowly opened. The light was blinding, and he couldn’t see the face of the person standing over him but he knew it was Cassel.
He mumbled again. Realizing he didn’t say ‘Could you turn that light off’ like he planned, he settled on blocking the light with his hand.
Movement of his right arm caused excruciating pain as it turns out. This time he did scream.
Cassel injected something in an I.V. and in a few seconds, the pain lessened. Figuring out what he had been doing, Cassel cut the lamp off.

“Take it easy. You lost a lot of blood. Had we been a few minutes slower you would have bled to death.” He put a glass of water up to Sam’s face. Realizing how thirsty he was, Sam greedily sucked the water out of the glass.
Cassel refilled the glass and replaced in front of Sam. Sam shook his head.
“I managed to replace the ribs and seal them in place,” Cassel said as he placed the water glass on the bedside table. “I placed a healing patch on your punctured lung. You had a lot of internal damage. Some mild laceration on your liver, scratches on the stomach. That riot gun is some nasty business.”

“One shot from a distance isn’t that bad. Two close up shots though…..” Sam trailed off.

“They almost killed you.”

“They didn’t want to do that.”

“You could have fooled me.”

“I think the doors opening on them like that spooked them.” Sam said as he tried to get comfortable.

“Here.” Cassel said, placing another pillow behind Sam’s head.

“Thanks. So you can heal as well as kill?”

“I had to take some medic classes for the Green Berets. Healing cracked ribs, sutures, patching damaged internal organs, realigning dislocated parts.”

“Yeesh. That last one sounds painful.”

Cassel shrugged. “The shoulder is the worst. Best quick way to do it is place your foot in the armpit, grab the wrist and throw yourself back. The energy torques the shoulder back in place and the sudden stop helps pop it back in its joint.”

Sam shuddered and rubbed his right shoulder. “I don’t know if I could ever do that to somebody and I sure as brix wouldn't want it done to me.”

“Well, glad to see your finally awake you lazy bum.” A voice said from the doorway. Sam turned his head to see Lestra’ad walk up.

“Major General!” Sam instinctively snapped off a salute and almost passed out from the pain.

Lestra’ad slowly lowered Sam’s arm and pat his other shoulder. “Take it easy son. You don’t have to stand on ceremony and protocol. How are you feeling?”

“I think Cassel would have been doing me a bigger favor by letting me die.”

Lestra’ad chuckled. “Yes but he wouldn’t be doing us many favors.”

“What are you doing here sir?”

“I contacted him,” Cassel said. “I told him about the latest developments and gave him our location.”

“I’m sorry I failed sir. I should have been keeping a closer eye on him after what happened at the mansion.”

“It’s not your fault Sam. You didn’t know the Shadow Troops were involved here. Hell you didn’t even know for sure that they existed.”

“So what’s our next step?”

“Missions over son. I’m taking you back home so you can heal.”

“But the Shadow Troops are out there! They attacked me!”
“Don’t make this personal Sam.” Lestra’ad scolded.

“They’ve reverted to terrorism! What if they decide to come after officials next? Presidents, leaders of men? Innocent civilians?”

“What if they were Front backed?” Cassel cut in.

“We don’t know if they were and frankly, even if they were the Federation brass wouldn’t do anything about it and you know this Sam.”

“Yea, that I do know.” Sam muttered angrily.

“We need to go home and count our losses.” Lestra’ad said, walking towards the door.

“No.” Sam said.

Lestra’ad turned around, eyes wide. “What did you say?”

Sam glanced at Cassel then back at Lestra’ad. “I said no. I am not walking away from this one.”

“You don’t have a say in the matter. You are on injured reserve, I am sealing the case and ordering you home.”

“If I’m on injured reserve then you can’t order me. I’m essentially a civvy.”

Lestra’ad cursed, knowing he was right. “For someone who hates politics you sure are good at it.”

“Sir, I can’t explain it but somehow I know that the Shadow Troops are in bed with the Front and that they have convinced the rest of the Legion to join them.”

“Brainwashed them?”

“You are the head of the Agency, you are aware of their abilities more than anybody else. They have something up their sleeves that they haven’t played yet but they are getting ready to.”

Lestra’ad twirled one of his tentacles around while he thought. “If we could get proof they are working together and planning something….maybe we can send an agent,”

“Me.” Sam interrupted.

“Out to investigate. Maybe this could be the case we need to get back on the Front’s tail.” Lestra'ad finished as he threw Sam an irritated look.

“Good so you talk to the Federation brass, I will go check on the Shadow Troops,”

Lestra’ad shook his head. “It’s not that easy. We need the Front to take responsibility for this. If they are brought to the front line like this then the brass might be coerced into doing something.”

Sam grinned. “Then let’s give them what they want.”

Downtown New York
Cars speed by, streetlights burn all around, jumbotron tvs play the latest news, tv shows, sports tickers. The street is so bright midnight looks like midday.
Busy people walk up and down the sidewalk. Casinos to go to, overnight shifts to start, late night shifts ending. Police walk the streets and patrol in their cars, keeping a watchful eye on the masses.
All at once, the tvs switch to the National News. Sitting behind her desk, looking as if she had been woke in the middle of the night is the lead anchor, Rolanda Stewart.
“We interrupt your local programming for this breaking news. Oil baron Jori Lancaster was found murdered today in an undisclosed location.”
A photo of Lancaster dressed in his best three piece appeared next to Ms. Stewart.
“So far there is no news on who is responsible for this and police have yet to be dispatched to his location. Mr. Lancaster is best known for,”
Without warning, the screen starts to flicker and static takes over. The audio cuts in and out and the picture begins to swim and roll vertically. In an instant, Ms. Stewart disappears and is replaced by a familiar face.
The shiny gold kabuki Japanese mask and black hood of the leader of the Korhal Liberation Front appears.
“Greetings people of Earth,” the deep artificially altered voice says. “Allow me to introduce myself to the ignorant masses. I am the leader of the new order taking place of the Federation. I am the leader of the Korhal Liberation Front.
“Some of you may be asking yourself ‘What is this person doing on my tv set?’ I am here today to let all of you know that, yes, we were responsible for the death of Mr. Lancaster. Shocking no? Why would I care about a lecherous oil baron?
“You see, my actions as of late have been ignored by your precious Federation government. I have sequestered many of your outer rim colonies into my cause and what does the Federation do? Send their police force to parties.
“I torture dignitaries and set fire to villages, killing many and the Federation send their best fighters to defend people like Mr. Lancaster here. So now I have a question.
“We have invaded Earth. We have murdered a high profile figure and we might do it again. So what I want to know is: what will your Federation do now?”
As billions of beings around the world watched in horror, every television screen went blank.
At that moment, every being in the galaxy all had the same thought.
What will the Federation do?

“So what I want to know is: what will your Federation do now?”
The recording light above the camera went black.
“Clear.” Cassel called.
The leader removed the mask to reveal Sam underneath. Sam unhooked the vocoder and set it on the nearby table.
“Think it worked?” Sam asked.
“It should have. That was a good plan.” Cassel said. Sam grinned.

Lestra’ad shook his head. “It’s not that easy. We need the Front to take responsibility for this. If they are brought to the front line like this then the brass might be coerced into doing something.”
Sam grinned. “Then let’s give them what they want.”
Lestra’ad and Cassel gave Sam a questioning look. “If we can fake a video of the Front leader taking responsibility for Lancaster’s murder then the Federation would be forced into movement.”
Lestra’ad nodded, realizing Sam’s inentions. “I can leak the murder story to the Nation News, then hack into their video feed.”
“We have some sheet metal and gold spray paint in the work room,” Cassel said. “We can fashion a kabuki mask like the leaders that in the right lighting should pass as him.”
Sam nodded. “I can dress as him and Cassel can film me giving a speech for him.”
“I can get a vocoder from the base” Lestra’ad said. “Should be no problem getting it out without questions.”
Sam nodded. “Then let’s go to it gentlemen. We have a news feed to steal.”

Lestra’ad walked into the room with a smile on his face. “Just got off the comm. with Director Rashud. He says the Federation is ready to get back into action.

“I informed him about our beliefs involving the Shadow Troops and the Legion. He has given me the ok to choose an Agent and send him to investigate them.”

“You sure you’re up for this?” Cassel asked.

Sam nodded. “I get into their last known location, get the information we need and go after the Front. I’ve been waiting six months for this opportunity.”

“Right then, I have already come up with the team that will be assisting you on this mission,” Lestra’ad turned the computer on. Three pictures and three files popped up.

Lestra’ad pressed the picture for a man with short red hair, green eyes and freckles all over his face.

“This is Junior Booth. He is an expert pilot and will be your transportation.”
Next the photo of a woman with shoulder length black hair.

“Anna Fry will be weapons.”

A green skinned alien with a face that split in the center into two jaws lined with teeth appeared next.

“Shulvan Fri’on will be tech,” the computer shut down and Lestra’ad turned around. “Cassel and myself will run intelligence and handler duties from here.”

“Any idea on where the Shadow Troops are?”

“That is a little tricky. Last we knew they were at an old Federation base in Nalastare VII,” Lestra’ad pressed a button and an old building appeared on the computer screen. “It was abandoned a few years ago after the Skylian Verge, but lately there has been some energy readings inductive to possible restart.”

“Then that is where I will check first.” Sam said.

“Junior will be here in a few hours. Go ahead and rest and get yourself ready,” Sam walked to the doorway when Lestra’ad called out to him. “Watch out for Junior. He likes to talk.”

Saying that Junior likes to talk was a severe understatement. It almost seemed like the man had mastered the ability to talk through his mouth and breathe through his nose at the same time.

“So I said to him ‘Look buddy, givin the situation and condition of landing, you’re lucky I didn’t make you slip into a wetsuit and jump into the ocean.’” Junior cackled as he swerved his fighter jet past a stray asteroid.

“Good you try to possibly not do that?” Sam asked.

“What? The darn thing appeared out of nowhere.” Junior said as he angled towards the brown planet in front of them.

“I’m not disputing that. I was referring more to the fact that you closed your eyes when going around it.”

“I thought you Special Agent types where supposed to be all brave and fearless.”

Sam clenched his teeth as another asteroid flew overhead, Junior barely missing it in time.

“I don’t like flying, unless I’m the one doing the piloting.”

“Don’t trust my skills?”

“Nothing personal, I just don’t like leaving my life in someone else’s hands. I prefer to be in control at all times.”

Junior pressed some buttons and flipped a few switches above head. “Yea well I will let you drive home then. Give me a chance to rest.”

Only thing on this guy that needs to rest is that kriffin mouth.

“Prepare for entry.” Junior said, flipping more switches. The fighter angled down and broke into atmosphere. Sam covered his eyes as the glare of entry became too bright.

“Don’t you have polarizing shields on this damn thing?”

“Sorry. She’s getting up there in years.” Junior toggled a switch a few times then punched the panel. A whine emitted from within, then the glare receded as the view screen polarized, taking the entry glare away.

“That’s better.”

“You know, I always thought you would be a lot nicer.”

“What do you mean?” Sam asked with a sideways glance.

“I’ve read about you. Uncovered an assassination attempt on your very first field mission, brought down a Front training facility on your first solo mission, single handedly liberated a whole planet from a tyrannical regime. You’re quite the impressive guy Sam, if I do say so myself. Your reputation precedes you.”

“Thanks.” Sam said gruffly.

“No one said you were so ruttin grouchy though.” Junior said with a cackle.

Sam gave him a withering look and, much to his amazement, they spent the rest of the ride in absolute silence.

“Alright, we are reaching the drop off point,” Junior said, all serious business now. “You will be about two klicks from the base, outside of radar range. Got your suit ready?”

Sam stood and checked the webbing. Seeing no holes, he gave Junior a thumbs up then ran to the hangar bay.

“Alright Sam, if Junior moves past fast enough, the automatic radar will track him,” Lestra’ad said in Sam’s earpiece. “It should give you an opening to glide in unnoticed.”

“Roger that,” Sam said. “I’m a little confused on how exactly I stop this thing though?”

“Aim for the roof then use your feet to stop.” Shulvan said.

Sam nervously laughed. “I’m sorry, the Universal Translator must have experienced a word it didn’t recognize. Did you honestly say ‘use your feet to stop’?”

“Yes I did. I would suggest trying to tuck and roll as soon as you hit.”

“Fan-kriffin-tastic.” Sam muttered to himself.

“We are almost in position!” Junior called. “Get ready Sam.”

Sam opened the bay’s door. Wind rustled in, blowing in Sam’s face. He looked down and watched brown desolate land whip past in a blur. Tearing his eyes away, Sam placed a helmet over his head.


Sam grabbed hold of the strap at the door way and took in a deep breath. “Ready.”
Sam’s heart thudded in his chest for a brief second.

Holding in the breath, Sam leapt from the ship. He watched as the ship tore away, radar dishes following its trail, just like Lestra’ad predicted.
After falling for a few seconds, Sam spread his arms out like a bird. A polymer web spread out, linked to the suit from Sam’s wrists, down his arm and armpit, stopping at his hip.
As soon as they opened, the air current kicked up by the fighter caught him, lifting him up in the air.
“Whooooo! This is awesome!” Sam yelled. A chorus of laughter erupted in his ear.

“Do you see the building?” Lestra’ad asked.

Sam glanced down to his left. “I have visual.”

“Confirm visual. We have it too Sam.” Lestra’ad said.

“Ride the current to the building. Once you are half a kilck away, close your arms and angle down ,” Shulvan advised. “When you are a few feet above the building, slightly reopen the wings and angle your lower body towards the ceiling. That will drop you on top.”

“Roger that. How are we looking on radar?”

“No activity or reports of your presence,” Cassel answered. “They are still concerned with Junior.”

Sam glanced up and saw Junior loop back towards them, this time lower, so as not to hit or draw any unwanted attention to Sam.

“This last loop should do it Junior.” Anna said.

“Roger that ma’am.”

Sam watched Junior’s ship streak past underneath him. Once he passed, Sam saw the building was closer.

“Um…we’ve got a problem.” Junior said. “I registered at least two armed guards on the roof, near where Sam is supposed to land.”

Sam scanned the roof. “I’ve got eyes on them.” Lestra’ad cursed in his ear.

“I’m gonna try another swoop around from a different angle. Maybe I can distract them and Sam can get the drop.”

“Be careful Junior,” Anna said. “Don’t get careless. If you go down then Sam will be behind enemy lines with no way out.”

“Don’t worry ma’am I will be careful.”

Sam closed his arms and angled his body towards the building. Everything began moving very fast, with the wind outside almost drowning out the voices in his ear.

“Be sure and calculate this correctly,” Shulvan said. “You will only get one chance at this. You have to land at an exact spot.”

“If you land in front of them they will get the drop on you instead of the other way around.” Anna agreed.

“Don’t worry, I have this under control. Junior, you got my distraction?”

“One shiny distraction coming right up.”

Sam reopened his wings and fought against the air flow to raise his lower body up towards the building. As the building rushed in, Junior came from the left. As he neared the roof, he turned on the spotlights right in the guards eyes.

“That’s right you ugly bastards! Look into the light!”

Right above the men, Sam closed his wings again. In one heart stopping instant, he thought he over shot. Then before he could react, he felt himself drop straight down, landing on top of the two guards.
The men attempted to recover but Sam pinned them under his wings. A quick button press detached the wings and he was on his feet and ready.
The first man to rise from the wings received a side kick to the jaw, knocking him down instantly. As the other rose to his feet, Sam grabbed the muzzle of his gun. Not expecting that maneuver, the man was stunned in place.
Using the few seconds that bought him, Sam yanked the gun towards him. As the man flew forward, Sam raised his right knee, connecting firmly with the man’s chin. As he fell, Sam delivered a straight left kick, catching the man in his face, dropping him next to his buddy.

“Very good Sam. Now, there should be an entrance somewhere nearby.”

“Got it.” Sam said, running to the door way.

“Ok Sam, the room you want is on the fourth floor.” Lestra’ad said.

“How many floors does this ruttin thing have?”

“Only six.” Cassel said.

“So what we want is hard evidence that the Shadow Troops used their neural implants to make the rest of the Legion leave the Agency.” Lestra’ad said.
“How will we do that?” Cassel asked.
“Internal e-mails, private notes, dossier’s with special notes.”
“All of which should be located in one junction room.” Sam said. “Any idea where that would be?”
“When we operated out of this base, we had a central computer room containing all files in this room,” Lestra’ad motioned to one room. “This should be the room you need.”

Sam pressed his back against the wall and leaned out.

“Ok, I have a doorway on one end and a camera on the other.”

“Hold on one second.” Cassel said. “Alright, video feed looped. All they see is an empty hallway.”

Sam ran into the hallway, finally skidding stop in front of the door way. “Ok, I have a keypad here.”

“Give me one second.” Lestra’ad said. Sam tapped his foot, glanced over his shoulder nervously. “Ok got it. I managed to hack into the security feed and run it backwards.”

“You found the code then?”

“Let me zoom in. Ok, press 34925867”

Sam typed in the correct code. To his satisfaction, the keypad beeped three times then the door popped open. Sam slipped in, closing the door behind him.
Inside, the room was lined on either side by multiple computer banks. Against, in the very center stood one lone desktop. Sam rushed over and activated it.

“Sonovu…..they have the dang thing password protected.”

“Hook your Osprey to the computer.” Shulvan said.
Sam pulled a USB cord from his pocket and inserted the appropriate ends. “Done.”

After a few seconds, the password screen went away. Sam unhooked his Osprey and began working.

“I logged you in as the site admin. That should be the leader of the group.”

Sam typed, screens flashing by.

“What was that?” Lestra’ad asked.

Sam clicked on an internal memo that had flashed by.

“Subjects are becoming increasingly harder to control,” Sam read. “Brainwashing process is becoming increasingly more difficult.”


Sam pulled up personnel dossiers.

“Shadow Troop, Shadow Troop…..this one has an asterisk.”

“What does it mean?” Shulvan asked.

Sam scanned the dossier for a few seconds. “Here it is. ‘Trooper was subjected to brainwash process.’”

“We have the proof we need right there. Link up and send it our way.” Lestra’ad said.

Sam reattached the Osprey and began the link. “Comin your way.”

“Uh, Sam we have a problem.” Cassel said after a minute. “I don’t know if what you did set off a silent alarm or what but you have company coming your way.”

“What is the sending percentage at?” Anna asked.

“75%.” Sam said. “I need a few more seconds.”

“Maybe we can make a few doors unresponsive.” Lestra’ad said.

Sam tapped his foot as he watched the progress bar slowly move to the right. “Come on.” He muttered.

“Five doorways down. What is the percent?”

“Running out of time Sam.” Shulvan said.

“Not like I can do anything to speed it up.”

“Two doors away.”


“Ok, I managed to rearrange the code to your door but they are right out there Sam.”

“98%.” Sam muttered.

“They have half the code figured out already!” Lestra’ad croacked.


In a few tense seconds, Sam’s Osprey chimed, indicating the transfer was complete. In a blur he unhooked the Osprey from the computer and turned around. As the door opened, he leaned against the computer desk and crossed his arms.
Guard swarmed in, checking every corner. Finally, every gun leveled on Sam.

Sam keeps getting out of troubled times, but will this time be his last? More to come tomorrow!!!

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